Get on the Bus

If you step out into the street in front of a speeding bus, you will get hit by a speeding bus.  You will experience a sudden, very dramatic, life changing event resulting from your own actions.  It will also result in a very negative experience.  Unfortunately, most actions intended to bring about sudden, dramatic changes in life style have negative outcomes.  Most participants in get rich schemes, of whom I’ve ever heard, at least, only wind up helping make the planner of the scheme rich; the planner having evolved the scheme diligently over time.  Most lottery winners usually wind up deeper in debt than they ever could have imagined possible within five years after the big win.

“Good things come to those who wait.”  In my observation this saying is more a dynamic than an old, irritating adage to persuade children into eating their broccoli before eating sweets.  The cake must be baked before it is eaten.  The farmer must plant the seeds and tend the field before reaping the harvest.  The baby must gestate before it is borne.

“Good things come to those who wait.”  Good things seem to evolve from optimistic attention and fostering of growth.  Bad things seem to spring from impetuous actions, the lunging at brass rings aboard the carousel.  Pick your destination, and get on the bus.  More than likely you’ll have an interesting conversation or two with fellow travelers, and enjoy the scenery along the way.  When you get there, you’ll get there, but you will have been all along the way.

Thank you for reading my blog, and remember, it’s the little things you do consistently, each and every day,  compounded over time, that make you spectacular.

  1. 2010/10/08 at 04:25

    Nice Information.. Thx for sharing this

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